Connected Reliability Webinars

The Accelix Community’s monthly Best Practices Webinars are a great resource for maintenance and reliability professionals looking to expand their industry knowledge and gain insight into best practices from thought leaders across the globe. The webinars provide you with the opportunity to get their questions answered by industry experts.

Upcoming Webinars

Meeting Sustainability Goals Using High Volumes of Vibration Data

Wednesday, September 4, 2024 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM EDT

In this Best Practices webinar, Michael DeMaria, Product Manager for Fluke Reliability, will discuss the evolution of permanently installed online vibration monitoring systems. Michael will introduce a new integrated solution from the Prüftechnik Vibguard online hardware to deliver diagnostics analysis at scale and meet expectations for asset health and corporate sustainability objectives.


Michael DeMaria, Director, Azima DLI Product Management, a Fluke Reliability Company

Michael is a Director, Azima DLI Product Management, managing the hardware platforms and integrations, diagnostic software and AI tools, and user portal deliverables and business metrics. Michael’s background is in Navy nuclear engineering but has been working in vibration for over 30 years and managing key accounts, technical support, customer training, and product management for Azima DLI since 1995.

Data Collection Do’s and Dont’s

Wednesday, September 18, 2024 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM EDT

Maintaining assets in a cost-effective manner is essential to a company’s profitability. To effectively and efficiently execute an Asset Management (Maintenance & Reliability – M&R) Strategy, an organization should have an effective Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS). The CMMS is the system of record that provides well organized and accurate data for continuous improvement. Effective utilization and execution of the three main elements of an Asset Management Strategy (Work Management, Asset Strategies, and Defect Elimination) requires accurate data and history in the CMMS.

To do this, an organization must make the investment of effort to collect necessary data to create and possess an accurate Equipment Register. This investment provides an organization with agreed-to and standardized definitions, designs, processes, and guidelines for building the sub-elements of the Equipment Register which include a Master Equipment List (MEL), Equipment or Asset Hierarchy, and Master Data. Master Data is the foundation of Asset Management. It is a starting point for continuous improvement.

This presentation will highlight the reasons for effective data collection and the do’s and don’t’s associated with capturing good data in your CMMS in to allow for effective Asset Management.


Blake A. Baca, CMRP, CRL – Owner/Asset Management Coach, BDB Solutions LLC

  • Asset Management professional with over 35 years of experience in industries including mining, refining, smelting, oil & gas, power generation, foundry, manufacturing, and material processing.
  • Worked for Alcoa, Inc. for the first 20 years of career
  • Asset Management Consultant since 2009
  • Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering degree from Texas Tech University
  • Certified Maintenance and Reliability Professional (CMRP)
  • Certified Reliability Leader (CRL)

The Importance of Precision Shaft Alignment

Wednesday, August 7, 2024 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM EDT

Discussing the real return on investment of properly aligning rotating equipment. As there is a renewed focus on reliability and vibration monitoring, I focus on a root cause. An often-quoted comment is “…why align a machine when it is fitted with a flexible coupling designed to accommodate misalignment?” I will talk about why this one often overlooked step in machinery maintenance is so important. The real payoff is often larger than you can imagine. Todays Laser alignment systems offer precision that is easy to learn and use giving the younger workforce the ability to replace old methods that are lost with an aging workforce.


David Metz – Sales Application Manager, Alignment Solutions

Dave is the Sales Application Manager at Fluke for Prüftechnik alignment products. He has been with Prüftechnik for 7 years and before that he spent 31 years as a machinist at Exelon working exclusively in power generation. Early years were in Fossil and Hydro units then six years in their mobile turbine gang working on all size and types of steam turbines. For the last half he was stationed at Limerick Nuclear power station and traveled to other stations for outage work, Peach Bottom, Oyster Creek, Three Mile Island and even Hope Creek. Dave spent most of his time working as a millwright in the plant working on equipment and has a lot of experience performing alignments on all types of machines. His alignment expertise began by mastering dial indicator methods then using Prüftechnik laser tools beginning with the original Optalign then all of the newer models up to todays Rotalign.