Predictive Maintenance Articles


How to Leverage AI to Help Define Spare Parts Criticality Methodology

Reliability and Operations teams have always struggled with a repeatable process for defining criticality for maintenance spare parts. It is often too easy to make everything critical and often entails a binary method…
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Maintaining Reliable Assets, a Resource Constraint Economy

This webinar discusses the labor constraints and experience constraints companies are facing when it comes to maintaining the health of their assets. Discover strategies to optimize asset management despite workforce shortages and how…
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preventive maintenance

Slow-speed and Early Fault Detection, How to Solve

This webinar will introduce you to Azima DLI’s proprietary diagnostic technique, Impact Demod. This powerful tool allows analyst to get deeper insights into the vibration data for rotating assets, providing improved visibility to the…
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condition monitoring

Exploring Online, Offline, and Remote Condition Monitoring

Preventing downtime of industrial rotating equipment using Industry 4.0 (IIOT) vibration analysis and traditional route-based portable hand-held spectral analyzers in Pulp & Paper, Food and Beverage, Automotive, Gas & Oil, and Mining Industries….
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