How university housing expedites work order processing

University Housing Streamlines Work Order Management with CMMS

It can be challenging to keep a university housing system working properly with effective work order management and forecasting abilities of future maintenance requirements. One university housing office began searching for an efficient way to automate work order and asset management with a computerized maintenance management software (CMMS) system. The univeristy’s housing assets include five…

wastewater treatment plant

Wastewater treatment plant reduces operational costs with CMMS upgrade

In 2016, the Great Lakes Water Authority (GLWA) decided to add a biosolids dryer facility (BDF) to the municipal water and sewage treatment plant for the City of Detroit. They contracted with the New England Fertilizer Company (NEFCO) to design, build and operate the BDF, which treats sludge and reduces wastewater solids volume through dewatering….

eyeglasses production

OptoTech uses power monitor for remote diagnosis

Optotech is a leader in optical machinery equipment and has a range of machinery and process technology for precision and ophthalmic optics. John Marhefka, a field service engineer for OptoTech, explains that OptoTech’s customer base includes the people who order the equipment to make lenses. According to Marhefka, one of OptoTech’s servicing generators—located at their…