Meeting Sustainability Goals Using High Volumes of Vibration Data

Meeting Sustainability Goals Using High Volumes of Vibration Data

In this Best Practices webinar, Michael DeMaria, Product Manager for Fluke Reliability, will discuss the evolution of permanently installed online vibration monitoring systems. Michael will introduce a new integrated solution from the Prüftechnik Vibguard online hardware to deliver diagnostics analysis at scale and meet expectations for asset health and corporate sustainability objectives. Speaker:Michael DeMaria, Director,…

Figure 1. The “tree of unreliability” involves five layers of roots, according to Shon Isenhour.

Root Cause Analysis

What is the most effective method? Does your company perform Root Cause Analysis (RCA) or just failure analysis? What distinguishes these tools and when are they appropriate? Does your company have a written policy or procedure? Are these performed routinely after an incident or notable failure? Listen to one company’s process, challenges and successes in…

Industry trends

Industry trends and emerging technology for 2019

In a profession where standardized work drives efficiency and productivity, MRO professionals sure do field a lot of non-standard challenges! Plant Services Chief Editor Tom Wilk reviews the key industry trends that defined 2018 and then looks ahead at what to expect this year. This webinar covers the following topics Servitization trends, especially for predictive/proactive…