Actually implementing a change

Actually implementing a change

Lean management, Six Sigma, process reengineering, root cause analysis, and other techniques all provide methods for identifying the changes needed to move a business forward. But the biggest challenge has long been actually implementing the improvements. Implementation comes down to individual leaders influencing their direct reports at each level in the organization. They need to…

Using football strategies to strengthen your reliability engineering game

Using football strategies to strengthen your reliability engineering game

Improving how reliability engineers handle their machinery and other assets requires a strong “game plan,” says Mike Smith, senior consultant at Life Cycle Engineering. He likes to borrow from football coaching—specifically, the defensive coordinator’s role—for ways to do that. In the August 2020 webinar he presented for Fluke Reliability, “How to build a game plan…

What your M&R peers are planning to address in their pandemic recovery
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What your M&R peers are planning to address in their pandemic recovery

At a time like this, when normal is abnormal and abnormal has become business as usual, it can be useful to find out how your peers are approaching their maintenance strategies. That’s why we at Fluke worked with Plant Services this spring to survey more than 200 maintenance and reliability professionals to assess how the…

Gain control of your machines by putting more emphasis on reliability fundamentals

Gain control of your machines by putting more emphasis on reliability fundamentals

Nancy Regan, an internationally recognized maintenance and reliability trainer, puts it this way: “Either you successfully control your equipment, or you let it control you.” In a July 2020 webinar for Fluke Reliability, Regan, a Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) expert and founder of, examined the core question of “Are you letting your machines control…

The most costly pitfalls in laser shaft alignment

The most costly pitfalls in laser shaft alignment

Maintenance teams know these pitfalls. Coupling backlash, where manual positioning of the coupling is needed during a measurement rotation. Uncoupled machines, where laser and sensor heads must be separately and manually positioned on a machine, leading to possible errors and rework. Repeated moves and measurements just to get an accurate alignment result. In this webinar,…

Maintenance automation and the P-F Curve – cocktail for the pandemic and beyond
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Maintenance automation and the P-F Curve – cocktail for the pandemic and beyond

The pandemic that has upended normalcy in 2020 is fueling urgency among maintenance leaders for system improvements previously viewed as “future considerations.” The ability to monitor asset health remotely, for example, has gone from a “want” to a “need”—something essential to stay productive in the near term and competitive over the long run. Around 82%…

Are you letting your machines control you?

Are you letting your machines control you?

Reliability is designed—literally and figuratively. Literally speaking, the inherent reliability of our equipment is governed by its design. But as equipment custodians, what we do (or don’t do) affects a machine’s reliability more than we may think—and it goes way beyond maintenance. In this webinar, RCM expert Nancy Regan details the winning reliability philosophy that…

Q&A on how to achieve CMMS success
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Q&A on how to achieve CMMS success

Gregory Perry, Fluke Reliability Senior Consultant, explored in a recent webinar 10 key steps to achieve successful CMMS implementation. Many attendees submitted questions, and Perry answers those questions below. 1. What is the best approach to increase data quality in the CMMS and capturing process? Perry: The best approach is having your data standardization written…

Introducing Fluke Reliability Radio: our new podcast series

Introducing Fluke Reliability Radio: our new podcast series

Fluke Reliability strives to provide maintenance and reliability professionals not only with quality products and services, but also with the best in industry thought leadership. In our efforts to continue this mission, we have developed a new podcast series called Fluke Reliability Radio. We actually began creating podcasts a few weeks ago, and we are…

How to lead and maintain reliability in a crisis
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How to lead and maintain reliability in a crisis

 What’s changed and what hasn’t in these challenging times of virus-driven decision making? As asset management and other maintenance and reliability activities continue, adherence to new pandemic-prompted standardized best practices is even more critical. In this webinar, educator and expert Dr. Klaus Blache will discuss the challenges but also the opportunities brought on by…