CMMS screens on different devices

Get more value from your CMMS (Part I): Best usage models for business impact and user adoption

Some of the most game-changing features and usages of a computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) often get overlooked. That’s a drag on your ROI and can be rectified by simple instruction and training. In this webinar, Michael Mills, a senior solutions engineer for Fluke Reliability, breaks down a typical company’s CMMS usage model. Then, he…

Motor testing

A look at the two principal motor testing methods: de-energized and energized

Every industrial facility has motors. They may range in horsepower, age, OEM, and criticality, but they’re still the most common asset facing maintenance and reliability (M&R) teams. According to the Electric Power Research Institute, improving motor maintenance can improve operational efficiency by up to 15%. In a webinar he gave for Fluke Reliability in February…

Defect elimination slide

How a defect elimination program works and why it could work for you

“Defect elimination” has become a hot topic in the reliability world. But what exactly does it mean? Defect elimination is a bottom-up approach that uses small teams tackling small projects with broad participation. With that stronger involvement comes a greater understanding and buy-in to the reliability improvement effort. In this webinar, expert Michelle Ledet Henley…

Industrial machine alignment

Industrial machine alignment: Tips for getting precise measurements in demanding conditions

Mines, sawmills, and pulp and paper plants represent some of the toughest environments to maintain machine alignment. Matt Joinson, the owner and operator of Jaffray Millwright and Welding, located in Jaffray, British Columbia, knows this well. He’s got many stories to tell as well as advice for alignment professionals across sectors. Joining him in this…

lubrication degradation

Breaking down lubricant degradation by failure mode for reliable oil analysis

To successfully integrate oil analysis into your machine reliability practices, you must first understand how lubricants degrade. That point was made exceedingly clear by lubricant expert Sanya Mathura in a January 2021 webinar for Fluke Reliability. Mathura, managing director of Trinidad-based Strategic Reliability Solutions, detailed the six ways lubricants degrade and offered advice on handling…

Advanced electric motor testing line graph

How today’s advanced electric motor testing technologies expose motor failure

The increasingly sophisticated motor testing technologies used today quickly identify anomalies and mechanisms leading to motor failure. In this presentation, Don Donofrio, veteran instructor and consultant for The Snell Group, an internationally recognized expert in electric motor testing training and research, demonstrates the methods used for de-energized and energized motor testing. These methods are powered…

IIoT cloud image
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It’s 2021. How’s your IIoT program doing?

If you’ve been waiting until the time is right to begin focusing on your Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) initiatives, you just might be waiting too long. The fact is that the concept of interconnected applications, equipment, and technology is more than just an abstraction. The IIoT market is forecast to grow to $110.6 billion…

Worker analyzing lubricants

Root causes of lubricant degradation and how to prevent it from harming your machines

Oil analysis is a primary way to determine lubrication breakdown, a sign of potential premature failure in critical and other assets. Lubricant degradation occurs in six ways—oxidation, thermal degradation, micro dieseling, electrostatic spark discharge, additive depletion, and contamination. Expert Sanya Mathura, founder of Trinidad-based Strategic Reliability Solutions, Ltd., introduces the basic concepts of lubrication, and…

Figure 1. The five most important responsibilities of a Maintenance Planner, courtesy of Eruditio
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Maintenance planning do’s and don’ts to increase your M&R team’s effectiveness

Those responsible for reliability maintenance and asset uptime should consider adding maintenance planning to your list of critical processes. That’s a major takeaway from a Fluke Reliability Best Practice Webinar in April 2020 in which reliability expert Shon Isenhour scrutinized the quality of today’s maintenance planning practices. Isenhour, a founding partner of asset management consultant…

Tips, technology, and tools for next-generation machinery alignment

Tips, technology, and tools for next-generation machinery alignment

An aging workforce means younger people and newer tools tackling alignment issues in our modern rotating machines. With today’s adaptive alignment tools and technology, and some basic fundamentals, even the most complex alignment jobs can be handled by anyone in the plant. There’s no need to rely on just a few experienced mechanics to perform…