How Organizations Drive Culture Change & Measure Performance Using Asset & Work Management Data
In this webinar, Joe Lonjin will show how organizations can sift through the many metrics to find the data to measure key performance indicators (KPIs) using asset and work management systems. These provide transparency across personnel, from the front-line workers to the boardroom, as well as drive better data-backed decisions.
Joe has been involved in Facilities Maintenance and Management for over 20 years now, starting in contractor services, the U.S. Army, and then at Penn State University. Now in this new role at Cohesive Solutions, I get to share my experiences and the knowledge given to me by so many great friends and colleagues along my journey. Enterprise Performance Management is important as it should shift the focus from individual performance to enabling cross-functional teams throughout an organization to empower all employees in delivering the mission, vision, and values. If everyone understands, buys-in, and feels there is transparent communication around the goals, performance will happen intrinsically.
Original session held on June 19, 2019