What cybersecurity risks do maintenance and reliability teams face—and what can they do about it?

What cybersecurity risks do maintenance and reliability teams face—and what can they do about it?

Know thy enemy. This has never been truer than in the field of cybersecurity, right now. With ransomware attacks escalating by the day, maintenance and reliability teams at critical facilities, government organizations, and manufacturers all need to assess their level of cyber risk and improve their cyber preventive maintenance actions. To help frame that task,…

Using business intelligence tools to achieve reliability maintenance goals: Practical advice on how to get started

Using business intelligence tools to achieve reliability maintenance goals: Practical advice on how to get started

Sometimes the RCA experts need to do an RCA on themselves. There are many reasons why maintenance and reliability teams can feel stuck in place, and getting a big picture view of what’s (really) going on can be one way to identify root cause. Business intelligence tools such as Power BI and Tableau can assemble…

Future-proofing asset dependent firms against talent flight

Future-proofing asset dependent firms against talent flight

Talent risks now represent a significant threat to asset dependent firms. In addition to the sheer unavailability of talent, there is the increasingly competitive environment to attract talent. The stark reality is that even where the talent is available, significant onboarding is required to hone troubleshooting and other skills that these firms rely on daily….

Managing cybersecurity risk in maintenance and reliability

Managing cybersecurity risk in maintenance and reliability

 Maintenance and reliability teams increasingly utilize a range of technologies, systems and devices—all of which can present cybersecurity risks. For this presentation, cyber expert Matthew Hudon and CMRP Frederic Baudart are joining together to outline which cybersecurity risks M&R teams should pay particular attention to and what preventive actions make the most sense to…

Vibration monitoring for peak asset performance

Vibration monitoring for peak asset performance

Vibration monitoring alerts teams to changes in machine condition before the situation degrades enough to cause harm. With a solid mix of monitoring and in-person evaluation, maintenance teams can move closer to condition-based-maintenance, where they make decisions and schedule work based on what their assets are saying, not just on the maintenance intervals. Join this…

Thermography as a condition detective: The secret sauce to uptime

Thermography as a condition detective: The secret sauce to uptime

Subject-matter expert Craig Haase provides a primer on thermography in maintenance and reliability and how it can powerfully unearth details surrounding your machines’ condition and health. Haase will detail customer scenarios and use cases, highlighting how thermal imaging solutions can record, provide alarm notifications, and monitor assets 24/7 regardless of location. He will also discuss…

Gain deep insights into bearing health with ultrasonic analysis

Gain deep insights into bearing health with ultrasonic analysis

Friction is inherent in all machine bearings. When this friction starts to change, ultrasonic analysis can tell us a lot about what is happening in that bearing. When both friction and impact monitoring with ultrasound get combined with the real-time data collection of a IIoT system, we can uncover the signs of a bearing asking…

Defect elimination programs change the culture by solving lots of little problems first

Defect elimination programs change the culture by solving lots of little problems first

A defect elimination program targets the smallest, most irritating problems in a plant. It does so by giving everyone a stake in improving daily work life by eliminating errors and faults. In the process, a stronger continuous improvement culture takes hold, creating more widespread support for reliability initiatives at every scale. Michelle Ledet Henley, president…

The exponential power of daily improvement
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The exponential power of daily improvement

Calvin Williams has helped numerous companies build continuous improvement programs. In this webinar, he discusses the science behind daily improvement and how to use it to create a sustainable culture of continuous improvement. He relates how a 1% improvement daily amounts to 38 times better results in one year. He’ll also describe the power of…

Adding business value through data-driven maintenance

Adding business value through data-driven maintenance

By Ankush Malhotra President at Fluke Reliability Every day, in manufacturing facilities worldwide, experienced and capable people are trying to second-guess the maintenance requirements of the machines that populate their plants. The reason is simple: They know that an effective maintenance program can increase their uptime, decrease maintenance costs, reduce unplanned outages, and extend the…