If reliability improvements elude you, look deeper into the ‘Tree of Unreliability’

If reliability improvements elude you, look deeper into the ‘Tree of Unreliability’

What is causing your organization to struggle to get to its desired level of asset reliability? You’ve been using root cause analysis (RCA) and the Five Whys and addressing the problems you’ve found, but disruptions or unplanned downtime persist. Shon Isenhour, a veteran reliability engineering trainer and the founding partner at Eruditio, suggests pushing your…

AIM first: Aligning your organization for a successful CMMS implementation

AIM first: Aligning your organization for a successful CMMS implementation

This presentation by CMMS deployment expert Scott Rojas of Fluke Reliability outlines the pre-implementation process we call the AIM. The AIM provides a detailed look at a company’s alignment on its business strategy and capabilities; project engineering, compliance, scoping, and other CMMS requirements; plus goals, objectives, and expected ROI. AIM seeks to reduce pitfalls that…

See the latest innovations in reliability—from wherever you are!

See the latest innovations in reliability—from wherever you are!

Get ready to explore a wide range of cutting-edge topics to improve your reliability at the Xcelerate20 virtual conference November 17-19, 2020. This three-day event provides numerous opportunities to see firsthand (from your phone or computer) how the latest software, tools, and processes can help you fine-tune your 2021 maintenance plan. Get inspired by our…

Improving workplace safety may demand a culture change

Improving workplace safety may demand a culture change

Like a successful reliability program, an effective workplace safety initiative requires getting the entire team on board. Workplace safety issues only abate when everyone understands and actively supports a zero-incidents goal. The difference between improving safety (or reliability) or continuing to experience problems comes down to culture. Safety expert Chuck Pettinger of Fortive-owned Predictive Solutions…

Actually implementing a change

Actually implementing a change

Lean management, Six Sigma, process reengineering, root cause analysis, and other techniques all provide methods for identifying the changes needed to move a business forward. But the biggest challenge has long been actually implementing the improvements. Implementation comes down to individual leaders influencing their direct reports at each level in the organization. They need to…

Kickstarting condition-based maintenance with a Connected Reliability Assessment

Kickstarting condition-based maintenance with a Connected Reliability Assessment

Just like every facility is different, every maintenance operations team faces different challenges in reaching their next equipment reliability goal. One obstacle in particular is more common these days, however. With the current pressures facing plant operations, many teams would like to start using digitalized condition monitoring or connected sensors on the Industrial Internet of…

Understanding condition-based maintenance tools that impact the P-F curve

Understanding condition-based maintenance tools that impact the P-F curve

A distinguished panel of Fluke Reliability experts—John Bernet, Gregory Perry, and Dries Van Loon—discuss the merits of Inherent Availability condition-based maintenance strategies, tools, and techniques designed to help find the earliest signs of potential component failure. These techniques include oil analysis, ultrasound, motor circuit testing, vibration, and thermography. Which ones are most critical to you?…

Increase condition monitoring success by utilizing process parameters

Increase condition monitoring success by utilizing process parameters

Deploying a condition monitoring program to better track asset health and performance can have the effect of narrowly focusing the team on one or a few types of data. Typically, maintenance and reliability professionals install a sensor such as an accelerometer on machines to measure vibration and relay that data to a vibration analyst to…

Using football strategies to strengthen your reliability engineering game

Using football strategies to strengthen your reliability engineering game

Improving how reliability engineers handle their machinery and other assets requires a strong “game plan,” says Mike Smith, senior consultant at Life Cycle Engineering. He likes to borrow from football coaching—specifically, the defensive coordinator’s role—for ways to do that. In the August 2020 webinar he presented for Fluke Reliability, “How to build a game plan…

Building a culture of safety beyond a pandemic

Building a culture of safety beyond a pandemic

Safety is all about people, and building a culture of safety is about instilling human behaviors that become the norm. That includes taking steps to protect workers from being infected by COVID-19, but it goes beyond this. And it is not something accomplished in a short time—typically, it takes five to 10 years. Yet positive…