
How to Make Data-driven Decisions with Connected Reliability

The push to transition to more sophisticated digital tools, such as computerized maintenance management systems (CMMS) software and condition monitoring sensors, is inescapable. By integrating condition monitoring data with CMMS software, maintenance and reliability (M&R) professionals receive an overall view of asset health and maintenance activities in real-time—all in one place. Gather the data Most…

technology for maintenance technician

Tune into podcast on technology for the maintenance technician

Fluke Accelix Vice President Kevin Clark appeared on “Reliability Radio” with host Scott MacKenzie at MaximoWorld in August 2018 where they discussed technology that provides data the maintenance technician can use to take action. In this episode, Clark discusses how Fluke’s focus has been and continues to be on the maintenance technician. He believes…

Xcelerate18 Training for CMMS

Xcelerate18 Recap

We want to thank everyone who attended and participated in Xcelerate18, which took place Nov. 13-15 in Fort Myers, Florida. The show was a success and drew approximately 500 attendees.  Here is a breakdown of the event and top Xcelerate18 moments. Pre-Conference During the pre-conference,  attendees could participate in a one-day overview CRL workshop led…

Asset data Integration with Fluke sensors in CMMS

eMaint web-workshop examines asset data integration with Fluke sensors

When making maintenance decisions, it is important to have access to real-time and historic asset data.  Remote, wireless sensor technology makes it easier to collect this important data by integrating with a computerized maintenance management system (CMMS). The latest eMaint web-workshop discusses asset data integration by using Fluke Connect sensors within the eMaint CMMS. This…

What are the benefits of the Internet of Things?

What are the benefits of the Internet of Things?

The Internet of Things (IoT) and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) are increasingly becoming more commonplace terms in the world of maintenance, reliability and asset management. This technology interconnects billions of devices and equipment, allowing for greater system collaboration. IIoT has the opportunity to reduce the need for intrusive maintenance and provide insights to the actual condition…