Figure 1. The “tree of unreliability” involves five layers of roots, according to Shon Isenhour.

Root Cause Analysis

What is the most effective method? Does your company perform Root Cause Analysis (RCA) or just failure analysis? What distinguishes these tools and when are they appropriate? Does your company have a written policy or procedure? Are these performed routinely after an incident or notable failure? Listen to one company’s process, challenges and successes in…

Best Practice Webinar thumbnail for August 8, 2021

Using root cause analysis and failure modes to build a total condition maintenance strategy for motor/drive systems

In this webinar, John Bernet from Fluke Reliability will discuss best practices for applying root cause analysis and expected failure modes to motor-drive systems. You will learn the simple steps of total condition maintenance, how different inspection techniques from electrical to thermal can help identify different failure modes, and how vibration analysis in particular can…

man using controls in industrial manufacturing plant

Combining Reliability-Centered Maintenance and Root Cause Analysis into one winning strategy

Are you approaching Root Cause Analysis (RCA) and Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM) as separate practices? If yes, consider uniting them. Both methodologies strongly support uptime and safety goals and are excellent ways to preserve failure mode indicators and other asset-specific information from across the team. This perspective comes from reliability experts Doug Plucknette of RCM Blitz…

man using controls in industrial manufacturing plant

How Reliability-Centered Maintenance and Root Cause Analysis work together to solve problems

Plants worldwide turn to reliability tools such as RCM and RCA to reduce maintenance costs and prevent disruptions. They help identify where losses are, develop procedures to mitigate the losses and, ideally, improve equipment reliability and performance. Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM) asks what could happen and Root Cause Analysis (RCA) examines what did happen. Though many…