9 ways maintenance managers can become rock stars

The infographic below conveys the different ways maintenance managers can become rock stars with management, with their peers and with teams by using predictive maintenance strategies and a computerized maintenance management system (CMMS).

By switching to a predictive maintenance and condition-based monitoring model backed by a CMMS, asset histories can be tracked. This lets maintenance managers make decisions that are more strategic and to prioritize work more efficiently to ensure the right maintenance, at the right time, for any given asset.

Additionally, a properly established CMMS will allow maintenance managers to report important KPIs to management that show the return on investment of specific maintenance programs as well as the cost of corrective maintenance and unplanned downtime.

With predictive maintenance and a CMMS, maintenance managers can nurture their teams by shaping a less stressful, less reactive day-to-day environment. Instead of responding to one emergency after another in a seemingly random and uncontrolled manner, now days and even weeks can be planned down to the hour.

For more information, read our technical article on how tracking key performance indicators drives more effective maintenance.

maintenance managers


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