Figure 1. The ISA95 automation pyramid, adjusted to reflect maintenance operations.
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Maintenance automation and the P-F Curve – cocktail for the pandemic and beyond

The pandemic that has upended normalcy in 2020 is fueling urgency among maintenance leaders for system improvements previously viewed as “future considerations.” The ability to monitor asset health remotely, for example, has gone from a “want” to a “need”—something essential to stay productive in the near term and competitive over the long run. Around 82%…

Industrial Talk Podcast with Michael Mills

Achieve industrial safety and reliability: FRS on the Industrial Talk podcast

Mike Mills, CRL, Senior Sales Engineer at Fluke Reliability, recently appeared on the Industrial Talk Podcast with Scott MacKenzie. Mills talked about industrial safety and reliability through a focus on continuity, agility, and repeatability. One of the many impacts of COVID-19 has been staffing—many organizations have not been able to have as many people on…

How to break habits and implement pandemic-related changes at the plant

How to break habits and implement pandemic-related changes at the plant

“Virus-driven decision making.” Dr. Klaus Blache, Director of the Reliability and Maintainability Center (RMC) at the University of Tennessee, used this phrase to begin his June 2020 webinar, “How to lead and maintain reliability in a crisis.” “Many things have changed, and many have not in these challenging times of virus-driven decision making. (But) as…

Response to pandemic

Plant Engineering survey: Top 10 actions in response to the pandemic

Consider where your organization is now in its response to the coronavirus and compare that to the results of two COVID-19-related surveys conducted in March 2020 by CFE Media & Technology. The publishers surveyed manufacturers and other industry professionals about the impact COVID-19 would have on their organization and how they would respond. Participants in…

Empty plant floor image

Five things to do when no one can be in the plant

With many companies ordered to shut down and people ordered to stay in their homes to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, organizations and teams have had to adapt—and suddenly. If your maintenance team cannot work in your plant, what should you do? How can you leverage this unplanned downtime? We went to some Fluke Reliability…

Workers consulting around tablet

Tips to help Operations and Finance find common ground on asset management

In today’s manufacturing world, the impact of downtime is pretty clearly understood at the top of the food chain. But what about the benefits of uptime, preventive maintenance, or end-to-end connectivity? How do you, as a maintenance and reliability professional, make a case for long-term planning if there aren’t any concrete short-term financial gains? Suzane…

reliability-centered maintenance

How to start a reliability program when you are already 100% busy

Reliability maintenance is experiencing more management-level awareness than ever before. But even with increased support, starting a reliability program can be daunting. Experts John Bernet and Dries Van Loon of Fluke Reliability have spent years advising maintenance teams on how to start and sustain successful reliability programs. In their webinar, “Proactive maintenance strategies to extend…

IIoT manufacturing worker

Manufacturing’s transformative path to the IIoT

Download the white paper Examining key drivers to help us forecast what’s ahead Manufacturing operations are predicted to be one of the biggest winners of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) transformation. Using condition monitoring sensors and software, innovators have an opportunity to wirelessly leapfrog over brownfield infrastructure, automate asset-health data collection, and feed it…

Industry trends

Your plant is more prepared for machine learning than you realize

f your plant or facility already operates with some level of reliability maintenance, you are probably ready to apply a machine learning algorithm to the asset condition data you’re collecting. That’s the main message delivered by Blair Fraser in his Jan. 22 Fluke Reliability webinar, “6 myths about machine learning that M&R pros must overcome.”…

Professional businessman checking digital checkbox

2020 check-in: Where are we on the road to Industry 4.0?

What will 2020 bring in terms of automation, AI, machine learning, and Industry 4.0? What takeaways do we have from 2019? What new could happen that we don’t know about? Oliver Sturrock, Chief Technology Officer for Fluke Reliability Solutions, takes a look at the trends driving change in our industrial world. Oliver Sturrock, CTO,…