10 steps to getting your CMMS implementation right (the first time)
The stakes are high for companies planning or implementing CMMS systems at this time. With all the changes to standard work procedures created by the pandemic, computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) software has emerged as a tool of choice for integrating teams, digitalizing workflows, and implementing revised procedures for increased employee safety. More eyes on…
The new, post-pandemic world of maintenance and reliability
Reliability professionals such as Ramesh Gulati, a recognized expert in the field, have experienced one of the most dramatic slowdowns in the history of business and industry since the pandemic began in early 2020. Now Gulati is one of many evaluating how maintenance and reliability units can help lead their companies safely into recovery. Gulati…
How we keep customer visits safe during and after COVID-19
While COVID-19 has turned the industrial world upside down in a lot of ways, the need for skilled workers to perform on-site services at customer locations has not disappeared. From equipment installation to supply delivery to inspections and troubleshooting, some services just cannot be provided online or over the phone. With the reduction in plant…
Q&A on how to achieve CMMS success
Gregory Perry, Fluke Reliability Senior Consultant, explored in a recent webinar 10 key steps to achieve successful CMMS implementation. Many attendees submitted questions, and Perry answers those questions below. 1. What is the best approach to increase data quality in the CMMS and capturing process? Perry: The best approach is having your data standardization written…
Next-generation machinery alignment tools make it much faster to become proficient
Diagnosing and correcting misalignment on critical industrial machines, including compressors, pumps, turbines, and the like, used to be the domain of only expert alignment specialists. But today’s more advanced alignment systems enable maintenance pros with a range of skills and experience levels to succeed in this important endeavor, says David Metz, a veteran millwright and…
Social distancing at work: what it means and ways to do it safely
Social distancing—the act of reducing face-to-face contact to slow the spread of contagious diseases—will reshape many workplaces for the foreseeable future. Social distancing means, among other things: Staying at least 6 feet away from other people Not gathering in groups or crowds Minimizing contact with people from other households Some critical facilities never closed, and…
Introducing Fluke Reliability Radio: our new podcast series
Fluke Reliability strives to provide maintenance and reliability professionals not only with quality products and services, but also with the best in industry thought leadership. In our efforts to continue this mission, we have developed a new podcast series called Fluke Reliability Radio. We actually began creating podcasts a few weeks ago, and we are…
Maintenance planning do’s and don’ts to increase your M&R team’s effectiveness
Those responsible for reliability maintenance and asset uptime should consider adding maintenance planning to your list of critical processes. That’s a major takeaway from a Fluke Reliability Best Practice Webinar in April 2020 in which reliability expert Shon Isenhour scrutinized the quality of today’s maintenance planning practices. Isenhour, a founding partner of asset management consultant…
Plant Engineering survey: Top 10 actions in response to the pandemic
Consider where your organization is now in its response to the coronavirus and compare that to the results of two COVID-19-related surveys conducted in March 2020 by CFE Media & Technology. The publishers surveyed manufacturers and other industry professionals about the impact COVID-19 would have on their organization and how they would respond. Participants in…